Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

10986 - infill; 11569 - skeleton (foot bones); x35 - pelvis)

2005 10986, 11569

10986 - infill; 11569 - skeleton (foot bones); x35 - pelvis); x23 - skull

2005 10986, 11569

10986 - infill; 11569 - skeleton; x35 - pelvis); 11700 - skeleton (leg bones); x13 - femur; x14 - fragm. of human bones)

2005 10986, 11569, 11700

10986 - infill; x23 - adult individual skull

2005 10986

10986 - infill; x23 - adult individual skull (dental wear)

2005 10986

11569 - skeleton (upper limb bones); 10986 - infill

2005 10986, 11569

11569 - skeleton (upper limb bones); 10986 - infill

2005 10986, 11569

10986 - infill; 11569 - skeleton (sacrum, lumbar spine)

2005 10986

10986 - infill; 11569 - skeleton (scapula and ribs)

2005 10986, 11569

11567 - skeleton (foot bones); 10986 - infill

2005 10986, 11567

11567 - skeleton (pelvis fragments); 10986 - infill

2005 10986, 11567

10986 - infill; 11562 - bucranium; 11567 - skeleton (frag. of ribs)

2005 10986, 11562

11569 - skeleton (upper limb bones); 10986 - infill

2005 10986, 11569

10986 - infill; 11569 - skeleton (lower limb); x23 - skull; 11700 - skeleton (foot bones)

2005 10986, 11569, 11700

10986 - infill; 11569 - skeleton (patella - degenerative changes)

2005 10986, 11569

10986 - infill; 11569 - skeleton (knee - degenerative changes)

2005 10986, 11569

10986 - infill; x11 - juvenile skull; x24 - fragm. of skull; x35 - infant skull

2005 10986


1963 10986


1963 10986


1963 10986

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
