Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

10964 - cut; 11562 - bucranium; 11569 - skeleton; 11566 - cluster of bones

2005 10964, 11562, 11566, 11569

11566 - cluster of bones; 10964 - cut

2005 11566, 10964

10964 - cut; 11562 - bucranium; 11569 - skeleton;

2005 10964, 11562, 11566

10964 - cut; 11562 - bucranium; 11569 - skeleton; 11566 - cluster of bones

2005 10964, 11562, 11566

10964 - cut; 11562 - bucranium; 11573 - bench; 11574 - brick of bench

Bench 2005 10964, 11562, 11573, 11574

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