Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

spread of large, no heavily processed animal bone just above floor

Faunal 2010 19227 96 370

spread of large, no heavily processed animal bone just above floor

Faunal 2010 19227 96 370

post-retrieval pit

2010 19231 3510 96 370

post-retrieval pit

2010 19231 3510 96 370

post-retrieval pit

2010 19231 3510 96 370

Working shot of wall elevation of F.3515

David Mackie 2010 3515 96 370

Working shot of wall elevation of F.3515

David Mackie 2010 3515 96 370

Abandonment phase

Buildings Jason Quinlan 2010 96 370

Abandonment phase

Buildings Jason Quinlan 2010 96 370

Abandonment phase

Buildings Jason Quinlan 2010 96 370

Abandonment phase

Buildings Jason Quinlan 2010 96 370
People - Working Jason Quinlan 2010 370

abandonment phase

Buildings Jason Quinlan 2010 96 370

abandonment phase

Buildings Jason Quinlan 2010 96 370

abandonment phase

Buildings Jason Quinlan 2010 96 370

abandonment phase

Buildings Jason Quinlan 2010 96 370

abandonment phase

Buildings Jason Quinlan 2010 96 370

abandonment phase

Buildings Jason Quinlan 2010 96 370

abandonment phase

Buildings Jason Quinlan 2010 96 370

abandonment phase

Buildings Jason Quinlan 2010 96 370

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
