Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

F.7108 - younger oven of B.77. U.30170 - base of the fire instalation u.30171 - oven superstructure -dome

Oven Burcu Tung 2013 East 30170, 30171 7108 77 336

the two ovens in B77. Older (left) one F.7308 - view of partially excavated feature on the level of burnt layer U.20167. younger oven F.7108 -view on the base U.30170, and partially excavated superstructure U.30171

Daily Sketch Arek Klimowicz 2013 7108 77 336

Oven superstructure U22044, Oven superstructure U22045, Consolidation/packing for hearth U22046, Constructional packing against the wall U22047

Construction, Oven, Hearth Burcu Tung 22044, 22045, 22046, 22047 7108 77 336

Oven superstructure U22044, Oven superstructure U22045, Consolidation/packing for hearth U22046, Constructional packing against the wall U22047

Construction, Oven, Hearth Burcu Tung 22044, 22045, 22046, 22047 7108 77 336

Oven superstructure U22044, Oven superstructure U22045, Consolidation/packing for hearth U22046, Constructional packing against the wall U22047

Construction, Oven, Hearth Burcu Tung 22044, 22045, 22046, 22047 7108 77 336

Oven superstructure U22044, Oven superstructure U22045, Consolidation/packing for hearth U22046, Constructional packing against the wall U22047

Construction, Oven, Hearth Burcu Tung 22044, 22045, 22046, 22047 7108 77 336

Oven superstructure U22044, Oven superstructure U22045, Consolidation/packing for hearth U22046, Constructional packing against the wall U22047

Construction, Oven, Hearth Burcu Tung 22044, 22045, 22046, 22047 7108 77 336

Oven superstructure U22044, Oven superstructure U22045, Consolidation/packing for hearth U22046, Constructional packing against the wall U22047

Construction, Oven, Hearth Burcu Tung 22044, 22045, 22046, 22047 7108 77 336

First floor of oven F. 7308

Floor, Oven Burcu Tung 22055 7108 77 336

First floor of oven F. 7308

Burcu Tung 22055 7108 77 336

First floor of oven F. 7308

Floor, Oven Burcu Tung 22055 7108 77 336

First floor of oven F. 7308

Floor, Oven Burcu Tung 22055 7108 77 336

First floor of oven F. 7308

Floor, Oven Burcu Tung 22055 7108 77 336

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