Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Final platform floors and make up

Layer, platform, Plaster Burcu Tung 2013 30102 6051 77 336

Final platform floors and make up

Layer, platform, Plaster Burcu Tung 2013 30102 6051 77 336

Final platform floors and make up

Layer, platform, Plaster Burcu Tung 2013 30102 6051 77 336

Alluvium and fill in dump area U6051

platform Burcu Tung 2013 6051 77 336

Alluvium and fill in dump area U6051

platform Burcu Tung 2013 6051 77 336

Alluvium and fill in dump area U6051

platform Burcu Tung 2013 6051 77 336

Daily Sketch

platform, Daily Sketch Burcu Tung 2013 6051 77 336

Construction Detail U30102

Construction Burcu Tung 2013 30102 6051 77 336

Construction Detail U30102

Construction Burcu Tung 2013 30102 6051 77 336

Fill associated with skeleton U30551

Fill Burcu Tung 2013 30551 6051 77 336

Fill associated with skeleton U30551

Fill Burcu Tung 2013 30551 6051 77 336

U22052 overview

Layer, platform, wall Susan Hyden 22052 6051 77 336

U22052 overview

Layer, platform, wall Susan Hyden 22052 6051 77 336

U22052 overview

Layer, platform, wall Susan Hyden 22052 6051 77 336

U22052 overview

Layer, platform, wall Susan Hyden 22052 6051 77 336

U22052 overview

Layer, platform, wall Susan Hyden 22052 6051 77 336

U22052 overview

Layer, platform, wall Susan Hyden 22052 6051 77 336

Painted plaster and platform plaster during excavation

platform, Plaster Susan Hyden 22052 6051 77 336

Painted plaster and platform plaster during excavation

platform, Plaster Susan Hyden 22052 6051 77 336

Painted plaster and platform plaster during excavation

platform, Plaster Susan Hyden 22052 6051 77 336

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
