Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Releif above platform

platform, Paint, Plaster Susan Hyden or Scott Haddow 2012 20498 6051 77 336

NE platform before uncovering the burials that were left for excavation in 2011.

platform Susan Hyden 2013 East 6051 77 336

Unit overview.

platform, Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 20625 6051 77 336 x1

Detail of X find 1, worked bone and X find 2, a pink stone fragment that could be a part of a stone palette.

Worked Bone, Stone Palette Susan Hyden 2013 East 20625 6051 77 336 x1

Detail of X find 1, worked boned and X find 2, a pink stone fragment which could be part of a stone palette.

Worked Bone, Stone Palette Susan Hyden 2013 East 20625 6051 77 336 x1

Detail of X find 1, worked bone and X find 2, a pink stone fragment that could be part of a stone palette.

Burial, Worked Bone, Stone Palette Susan Hyden 2013 East 20625 6051 77 336 x1

Daily sketch.

platform, Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 20625 6051 77 336

Daily sketch.

platform, Burial Susan Hyden East 20625 6051 77 336

Daily sketch.

platform, Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 20686, 20688 6051, 3697, 7132 77 336

Unit overview.

Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 20625, 20686 6051, 3697, 7132 77 336

Unit overview.

Burial, Fill Susan Hyden 2013 East 20686, 20625 6051, 3697, 7132 77 336

Unit overview, ribs (not cranium).

Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 20688 6051 77 336

Unit overview (ribs, not cranium).

Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 20688 6051 77 336

Unit overview (ribs).

Burial Susan Hyden 2013 East 20688 6051 77 336
Daily Sketch Burcu Tung 2013 6051 77 336

Burial F. 7136 and platform F. 6051

Daily Sketch Renata Araujo 2013 East 7136, 6051 77 336

Plaster Surface U30559

Plaster Burcu Tung 2013 30559 6051 77 336

Plaster Surface U30559

Plaster Burcu Tung 2013 30559 6051 77 336

Plaster Surface U30559

Plaster Burcu Tung 2013 30559 6051 77 336

Overview of burial cuts on the left (F. 7130, 7136) and platform F. 6051 with burial cuts on the right.

Daily Sketch Renata Araujo 2013 East 7130, 7136, 6051 77 336

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
