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Releif above platform
NE platform before uncovering the burials that were left for excavation in 2011.
Unit overview.
Detail of X find 1, worked bone and X find 2, a pink stone fragment that could be a part of a stone palette.
Detail of X find 1, worked boned and X find 2, a pink stone fragment which could be part of a stone palette.
Detail of X find 1, worked bone and X find 2, a pink stone fragment that could be part of a stone palette.
Daily sketch.
Unit overview, ribs (not cranium).
Unit overview (ribs, not cranium).
Unit overview (ribs).
Burial F. 7136 and platform F. 6051
Plaster Surface U30559
Overview of burial cuts on the left (F. 7130, 7136) and platform F. 6051 with burial cuts on the right.
British Institute at AnkaraStanford UniversityUniversité de BordeauxDuke UniversityUniversity of California Merced
University of YorkCardiff UniversitySelçuk UniversityEge University
Adam Mickiewicz UniversitySUNY BuffaloTurkish Cultural FoundationOxford University