Image Catalogue

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the distinctiveness of the lower layers of the wall 3626-the northern wall of sp. 488 and its relations with the oven of B.77. It is clear that lower part of the wall was made of broken and reused bricks. It seems also that the wall respects the oven of nearby building (wall is later than the fire installation).

wall Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 3626 488, 489

the distinctiveness of the lower layers of the wall 3626-the northern wall of sp. 488 and its relations with the oven of B.77. It is clear that lower part of the wall was made of broken and reused bricks. It seems also that the wall respects the oven of nearby building (wall is later than the fire installation).

wall Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 3626 488, 489

the distinctiveness of the lower layers of the wall 3626-the northern wall of sp. 488 and its relations with the oven of B.77. It is clear that lower part of the wall was made of broken and reused bricks. It seems also that the wall respects the oven of nearby building (wall is later than the fire installation).

wall Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 3626 488, 489

lower part of the wall 3626 - the northern wall of sp. 489. and the nature of backside of the oven of B.77 4th course of makeup

Oven Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 20679 3626 108 84, 501

lower part of the wall 3626 - the northern wall of sp. 489. and the nature of backside of the oven of B.77 4th course of makeup

Oven Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 20679 3626 108 84, 501

lower part of the wall 3626 - the northern wall of sp. 489. and the nature of backside of the oven of B.77 4th course of makeup

Oven Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 20679 3626 108 84, 501

lower part of the wall 3626 - the northern wall of sp. 489. and the nature of backside of the oven of B.77 4th course of makeup

Oven Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 20679 3626 108 84, 501

next phase of the exploration of the wall F. 3626. Broken bricks immerced in mortar paste set in previously prepared foundation cut. 4th course of makeup

Oven, wall Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 3626 108 84

next phase of the exploration of the wall F. 3626. Broken bricks immerced in mortar paste set in previously prepared foundation cut. 4th course of makeup

Oven, wall Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 3626 108 84

next phase of the exploration of the wall F. 3626. Broken bricks immerced in mortar paste set in previously prepared foundation cut. 4th course of makeup

Oven, wall Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 3626 108 84

next phase of the exploration of the wall F. 3626. Broken bricks immerced in mortar paste set in previously prepared foundation cut. 4th course of makeup

Oven, wall Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 3626 108 84

next phase of the exploration of the wall F. 3626. Broken bricks immerced in mortar paste set in previously prepared foundation cut. 4th course of makeup

Oven Arek Klimowicz 2013 East 3626 108 84

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Yapı Kredi



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Konya Şeker
