Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Burial fill

Burial, Fill Justine Issavi 2013 East 20030 3442 80 135

Burial fill

Burial, Fill Justine Issavi 2013 East 20030 3442 80 135

Burial fill

Burial, Fill Justine Issavi 2013 East 20030 3442 80 135

Burial fill

Burial, Fill Justine Issavi 2013 East 20030 3442 80 135

Burial fill

Daily Sketch 2013 20030 3442 80 135

Plaster surface on platform

Floor, platform, Plaster Megan Ridsdale 20093 3442 80 135

Plaster surface on platform

Floor, platform, Plaster Megan Ridsdale 20093 3442 80 135

Plaster surface on platform

Floor, platform, Plaster Megan Ridsdale 20093 3442 80 135

Make up layer on platform F3442

Layer, Floor, platform Maurizio Forte 30968 3442 80 135

Make up layer on platform F3442

Layer, platform Katie Rose 20096 3442 80 135

Make up layer on platform F3442

Layer, platform Katie Rose 20096 3442 80 135

Make up layer on platform F3442

Layer, Floor, platform Maurizio Forte 30968 3442 80 135

Make up layer on platform F3442

Layer, platform Katie Rose 20096 3442 80 135

Make up layer on platform F3442

Layer, platform Katie Rose 20096 3442 80 135

Platform F3442

platform Mateusz Dembowiak 21704, 21705, 21706, 21708 3442 80 135

Fill in burial cut on NW edge of platform F3442, small circular cut on NW edge of platform F3442, fill to burial F7406 on platform F3442, cut to burial F7406 on platform F3442

platform, Burial, Fill, Cut Katie Rose 21704, 21705, 21706, 21707 7406, 3442 80 135

Fill in burial cut on NW edge of platform F3442, small circular cut on NW edge of platform F3442, fill to burial F7406 on platform F3442, cut to burial F7406 on platform F3442

platform, Burial, Fill, Cut Katie Rose 21704, 21705, 21706, 21707 7406, 3442 80 135

Fill in burial cut on NW edge of platform F3442, small circular cut on NW edge of platform F3442, fill to burial F7406 on platform F3442, cut to burial F7406 on platform F3442

platform, Burial, Fill, Cut Katie Rose 21704, 21705, 21706, 21707 7406, 3442 80 135

Plaster Cap on cut of platform F3442, Plaster over burial cut and fill F7406

Burial, Fill, Plaster, Cut Katie Rose 21701, 21702 3442, 7406 80 135

Plaster Cap on cut of platform F3442, Plaster over burial cut and fill F7406

Burial, Fill, Plaster, Cut Katie Rose 21701, 21702 3442, 7406 80 135

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
