Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Replastering of Bench

Architectural, Bench Jason Quinlan 2006 East 12967 2213 Bench, Wall, Engaged Pillar 60 278

Space 278 Phase V. After removal of platform F2219

Buildings, Architectural Dan Eddisford 2006 East 2213, 2225 60 278

Space 278 Phase V. After removal of platform F2219

Buildings, Architectural Dan Eddisford 2006 East 2213, 2225 60 278

Space 278 Phase V. After removal of platform F2219

Buildings, Architectural Dan Eddisford 2006 East 2213, 2225 60 278

Space 278 Phase V. After removal of platform F2219

Buildings, Architectural Dan Eddisford 2006 East 2225, 2213 60 278

Space 278 Phase V. After removal of platform F2219

Buildings, Architectural Dan Eddisford 2006 East 2213, 2225 60 278

Space 278 Phase V. After removal of platform F2219

Buildings, Architectural Dan Eddisford 2006 East 2213, 2225 60 278

Brick make up on bench f.2213

Architectural, Bench Michael William House 2006 East 13455 2225, 2213 Bench 60 278

Brick make up on bench f.2213

Architectural, Bench Michael William House 2006 East 13455 2225, 2213 Bench 60 278

Liped platform f.2225, which later becomes bench f.2213

Bench Marina Lizarralde 2006 East 13451 2213, 2225 Bench, Platform 60 278

Liped platform f.2225, which later becomes bench f.2213

Bench Marina Lizarralde 2006 East 13451 2213, 2225 Bench, Platform 60 278

Liped platform f.2225, which later becomes bench f.2213

Bench Marina Lizarralde 2006 East 13451 2213, 2225 Bench, Platform 60 278

Liped platform f.2225, which later becomes bench f.2213

Bench Marina Lizarralde 2006 East 13451 2213, 2225 Bench, Platform 60 278

Liped platform f.2225, which later becomes bench f.2213

Bench Marina Lizarralde 2006 East 13451 2213, 2225 Bench, Platform 60 278

Construction phase of building 60 space 278 showing mud brick cores of features 2212, 2225 and 2213

Buildings, Architectural Michael William House 2006 East 2212, 2225, 2213 60 278 278

Construction phase of building 60 space 278 showing mud brick cores of features 2212, 2225 and 2213

Buildings, Architectural Michael William House 2006 East 2212, 2225, 2213 60 278 278

Construction phase of building 60 space 278 showing mud brick cores of features 2212, 2225 and 2213

Buildings, Architectural Michael William House 2006 East 2212, 2225, 2213 60 278 278

Construction phase of building 60 space 278 showing mud brick cores of features 2212, 2225 and 2213

Buildings, Architectural Michael William House 2006 East 2212, 2225, 2213 60 278 278

Construction phase of building 60 space 278 showing mud brick cores of features 2212, 2225 and 2213

Buildings, Architectural Michael William House 2006 East 2212, 2225, 2213 60 278 278

Construction phase of building 60 space 278 showing mud brick cores of features 2212, 2225 and 2213

Buildings, Architectural Michael William House 2006 East 2212, 2225, 2213 60 278 278

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