Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Truncated Burial in Cut 1656

Burial Jason Quinlan 2004 East 11655 1656 49 100

Truncated Burial in Cut 1656

Burial Jason Quinlan 2004 East 11655 1656 49 100

Truncated Burial in Cut 1656

Burial Jason Quinlan 2004 East 11655 1656 49 100

Truncated Burial in Cut 1656

Burial Jason Quinlan 2004 East 11655 1656 49 100

Truncated Burial in Cut 1656

Burial Jason Quinlan 2004 East 11655 1656 49 100

Truncated Burial in Cut 1656

Burial Jason Quinlan 2004 East 11655 1656 49 100

Truncated Burial in Cut 1656

Burial Jason Quinlan 2004 East 11655 1656 49 100

Truncated Burial in Cut 1656

Burial Jason Quinlan 2004 East 11655 1656 49 100

Truncated Burial in Cut 1656

Burial Jason Quinlan 2004 East 11655 1656 49 100

Truncated Burial in Cut 1656

Burial Jason Quinlan 2004 East 11655 1656 49 100

Truncated Burial in Cut 1656

Burial Jason Quinlan 2004 East 11655 1656 49 100

Platform 1656 with obsidian scatter and fish bones

Floor, Architectural, Cluster Jody Deacon 2004 East 12699, 12698, 13600 1656 Platform 49 100

Platform 1656 with obsidian scatter and fish bones

Floor, Architectural, Cluster Jody Deacon 2004 East 12699, 12698, 13600 1656 Platform 49 100

Platform 1656 with obsidian scatter and fish bones

Floor, Architectural, Cluster Jody Deacon 2004 East 12699, 12698, 13600 1656 Platform 49 100

Platform 1656. Close up of partially articulated fish bones

Floor, Architectural, Faunal Jody Deacon 2004 East 12698 1656 Platform 49 100

Platform 1656. Close up of partially articulated fish bones

Floor, Architectural, Faunal Jody Deacon 2004 East 12698 1656 Platform 49 100

Platform 1656. Close up of partially articulated fish bones

Floor, Architectural, Faunal Jody Deacon 2004 East 12698 1656 Platform 49 100

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