Image Catalogue

Thumbnail Description Keywords Photographer Year Mound Unit Feature Feature Type Building Associated Building Associated Feature Space Associated Space Find Sample Lab Record

Overall shot of bin

Elizabeth Tien Ha 2004 East 1652 49 100 100

Overall shot of bin

Elizabeth Tien Ha 2004 East 1652 49 100 100

Overall shot of bin

Elizabeth Tien Ha 2004 East 1652 49 100 100

Profile of bin

Elizabeth Tien Ha 2004 East 1652 49 100 100

End of season shots - platform / bin?

Season - End 2004 1652 49 100

End of season shots - platform / bin?

Season - End 2004 1652 49 100

End of season shots - platform / bin?

Season - End 2004 1652 49 100

End of season shots - platform / bin?

Season - End, fire installation 2004 1652 49 100

End of season shots

Season - End 2004 1652 49 100

End of season shots

Season - End 2004 1652 49 100

End of season shots

Season - End, fire installation 2004 1652 49 100

End of season shots

Season - End 2004 1652 49 100

End of season shots

Season - End 2004 1652 49 100

Working shot of basin F 1652 abutting S wall of house.

Working Shots Jody Deacon 2004 East 1652 49 100 100

Working shot of basin F 1652 abutting S wall of house.

Working Shots Jody Deacon 2004 East 1652 49 100 100

Working shot of basin F1652 after removal of unit 13621

Jody Deacon 2004 East 1652 49 100 100

Wroking shot of basin F1652 after removal of unit 13621

Jody Deacon 2004 East 1652 49 100 100

Wroking shot of basin F1652 after removal of unit 13621

Jody Deacon 2004 East 1652 49 100 100

wooden post within structure F.1652

Architectural Jody Deacon 2004 East 13628 1652 Basin 49 100

wooden post within structure F.1652

Architectural Jody Deacon 2004 East 13628 1652 Basin 49 100

main sponsors

Yapı Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Şeker
