FINDS - Animal Bone

Nerissa Russell, Louise Martin & Kamillia Pawlowska

During the 2003 season we introduced a new ‘phase 1’ assessment procedure for the animal bone units. This will give us qualitative information about units not fully recorded, guide recording, and increase the sample of measured bones (for more information on the new procedure see Archive Report 2003, p. 70).

Work on the animal bones from the 4040, South Summit, and BACH Areas continued, and cumulative reports on the TP and West Mound animal bones were compiled. These suggest that at least some shifts in patterns of animal use may occur between earlier and later levels on the East Mound rather than between the Neolithic East Mound and the Chalcolithic West Mound.

After three partial study seasons, 2003 marked a return to full-scale excavations. Funding constraints led to very restricted personnel in the laboratory, however, so we were limited in what we could accomplish during the season. Nevertheless, in addition to the new assessment procedure, we got a first glimpse at the Neolithic material later than Level VI.

In total, we have now recorded 584,582 pieces of animal bone, 529,681 of them from the East Mound.