Basak Boz and Lori Hager

During the 2003 field season part of our time was spent re-examining the human remains recovered from Building 3 for purposes of publication. Since previous archive reports provide much of these same data, only a short summation of this work is provided here.

The human remains from Building 3 consist of both Late Roman/Byzantine and Neolithic skeletal materials. Five burial units representing at least 6 individuals of the Late Roman/Byzantine period were discovered in the upper layers of the deposits in Building 3. Ten Neolithic individuals were recovered from the lower layers of the deposits.

Late Roman/Byzantine

F.150 Skeleton (2219 )

This is a skeleton of an adult male. The preservation is poor with some elements missing. The skeleton is large and robust. There is a healed fracture of left distal radius (Colle’s fracture). The thyroid cartilage is ossified. Black staining is apparent on some ribs. A stone disk was found in association with this individual.

F.151 (Skeletons (2212), (2231)

Skeleton (2212)

These partial remains belong to a young adult. This was a small individual.

Skeleton (2231)

These are the nearly complete remains of an adult female, 30-35 years of age. The bones are large and robust. Some ribs have black staining on their surfaces. A small glass vial and a stone disk were found with this individual.

F.152 (Skeletons (2226), (2232)

Skeleton (2226)

Two bones, a metacarpal and 1 rib fragment, are from the burial fill. These are probably the same as Skeleton (2232).

Skeleton (2232)

These remains are from a juvenile, 3-4 years old. The skeleton is nearly complete and in good condition. Several grave goods were found in association with this individual, including a small glass vial, 2 copper beads and 2 bone needles.

F.153 (Skeletons (2235), (2245)

Skeleton (2235)

This is a highly fragmented, partial skeleton of a pre-pubescent juvenile. Some older bones are mixed in with the juvenile ones and could be the same as Skeleton (2245).

Skeleton (2245)

This is an adolescent, 16-18 years, probable female. The skeleton is nearly complete although it is in poor condition. Robust muscle attachments are apparent in several areas of the body. A nail and an animal bone were found with the skeleton during analysis.

F.154 (Skeleton (2244)

Skeleton (2244)

The nearly complete skeleton is of an adult female, 35-39 years. The preservation is poor. There is black staining on some of the ribs. This was a large and robust individual. Three vertebrae show evidence of stress in the form of Schmorl’s nodes. A ceramic bottle and a ceramic lamp were found in the grave.

Skeleton (2210)

These remains are burnt mandibular and maxillary fragments of a possible adult. The teeth are completely shattered.

Neolithic burials

Ten individuals were recovered during the excavations of Building 3. Two of these individuals were represented by crania only. Eight individuals were more complete with cranial and postcranial elements present. Four adults, 2 adolescents, 3 children and 1 infant were found in Building 3. Sex could be determined for 4 individuals: 2 were male and 2 were female.

F.794 Skeleton (3529.X1)

This is the cranium of a young individual, aged 11-12 years of age. The forehead of this individual was touching the forehead of Skeleton (3529.X2). No post-cranial remains were recovered.

F.795 Skeleton (3529.X2)

This is the cranium of a young adult female. The forehead of this individual was touching the forehead of Skeleton (3529.X1). No post-cranial remains were recovered.

F.617 Skeleton (6237)

This is a 3-4 year old child found in the floor of the NW platform. The presence of phytoliths around the body suggest the child had been buried in a basket.

F.631 Skeleton (6303)

An adult male, 40-45 years of age was found in the NE platform. Preservation of the bones was fair. No grave goods were found directly associated with this individual.

Multiple Burials in NW Platform (Skeletons (8113), (8114), (8115)

F.634 Skeleton (8115)

Found in the NW platform, this individual was a female aged between 40-45 years old. The skeleton was the last one to be placed in the platform, disturbing Skeleton (8113) and Skeleton (8114). This female suffered numerous episodes of trauma including a displaced hip and broken ribs, all of which healed.

F.644 Skeleton (8113)

A young adult of 18-22 years, the remains of this individual were disturbed during the interment of Skeleton (8115). This individual experienced spondylolysis of the vertebral column.

F.647 Skeleton (8114)

Also disturbed during the interment of Skeleton (8115), this individual was an adolescent, 14-16 years of age. Cortical defects were found on several long bones.

F.648 Skeleton (6681)

One of two children found in the central floor, this individual was 8-10 years old. The bones are in excellent condition. This individual was found near the NW platform.

F.756 Skeleton (6682)

A child of 7-8 years, this individual was found in the central floor. The skeleton is in excellent condition.

F.757 Skeleton (8184)

This is an infant aged 8-10 months. Found and between Skeletons (6881) and (6882) at a lower level, the infant was also buried in the central floor. The infant had been placed in a basket for burial. Numerous associated grave goods were found with this individual, including beads, a bone pin, malachite and wood.

© Çatalhöyük Research Project and individual authors, 2003