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Summary of the New Phasing for Building 1, North Area
Gavin Lucas (3.12.97)
After the 1997 excavation season was completed the phasing of building 1 was completely re-examined and substantially altered. This occurred at too late a stage to be incorporated in the other sections of this report which are still based on the 1996 four phase model plus the construction phase excavated in 1997. The complete life-cycle of building 1 has now been divided into eight phases, a complete list is also available:
Building of the main shell walls and internal divisions creating two spaces, 70 & 71; accompanied by three infilling layers / foundation deposits to raise and level the ground surface; During this infilling, six burials were interred. Final pre-floor packing wherein the 'terracing' of the floors is established (i.e. platforms, ledges, steps).
Laying of primary floors and various features (e.g. basins, hearths) and insertion of further burials in space 71.
Replastering of floors including raising of northern part of Space 70 to same level as southern part; remodelling of access between two spaces involving demolition of two openings into one wider access; blocking of wall oven (F.39) in Space 71 and addition of a hearth on the floor (F.27); addition of storage bin (F.214) in northern part of Space 70. Insertion of burials in Space 71.
Replastering of floors in Space 71 including levelling and new 'terracing' of central area; rebuilding of hearth (F.27) and addition of new storage bin (F.215) opposite. Remodelling of wall posts into wall reliefs (F.24 & 26); remodelling of access between Spaces 70 & 71 by narrowing opening and insertion of horncore (F.216) in the blocking brickwork; plastered bucranium (F.19) also probably associated with terminal post of southern wall of central platform F.37 (later fallen off during fire / demolition). Northern part of Space 70 bricked up and infilled (storage bin burnt), southern part remodelled: new oven constructed in corner (F.11) and grinding installation against partition wall (F.16). Further burials inserted in Space 71.
Phase 5 - Abandonment & Rebuilding
Heavy burning in southern part of building with wall / roof collapse, followed by construction of cross wall in Space 71 sealing off southern part; in addition another wall built along edge of central platform turning it into a small room, Space 110 while a similar wall turns the northeastern corner of Space 71 into a cell, Space 111.
Replastering on floor in northern part of Space 71 and in Spaces 110 and 111; additions of new hearth (F.14). Insertion of further burials in Spaces 71 and 110. Oven in Space 70 rebuilt on infill, possibly as an external feature - no associated laid floors (N.B. contemporaneity of this with the use of building 1 at this point purely conjectural - may be much later, i.e. phase 8).
Infilling of remaining open parts of Space 71 and Spaces 110 and 111 with wall / roof collapse.
Phase 8 - Post-abandonment activities.
Includes shallow depression and more substantially, a pit (F.17) dug down through the infilled deposits against the east face of the partition wall in Space 71 and disfiguration of wall reliefs here but also accompanied by deposits of bone points etc.
Figure 15: Re-Phasing of Building 1: Plans of phase 1 and phase 2 (drawn by C.Cessford)
Figure 16: Re-Phasing of Building 1: Plans of phases 3 and phase 4 (drawn by C.Cessford)
Figure 17: Re-Phasing of Building 1: Plans of phases 5/6 and phases 7/8 (drawn by C.Cessford)