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Microstratigraphy, micromorphology and sampling report
Wendy Matthews
In the 1996 sampling programme adopted three principal sampling strategies.
1. Archive samples (250-500g) for storage and sub-sampling for future analyses were collected from the c. 500 units sampled for combined wet-sieving and flotation.
2. A range of block, spot and bottle samples of deposits were collected from i) microstratigraphic sections and ii) at 50-100 cm intervals across floors.
During the 1996 season we studied microstratigraphic sequences and sampled deposits from:
i) floors and occupation deposits exposed by new excavation in the North, Summit and Mellaart areas of the Neolithic settlement
ii) colluvial deposits, a Neolithic surface and ?alluvial deposits exposed by the KOPAL test trench which ran from the summit to the base of the Main Mound on its northern flank, in order to study surface erosion and deposition, and mound formation
iii) sediments from lake-marl, a buried organic horizon and a palaeochannel to the south of the site, for comparative purposes and analysis of the heavy mineralogy by Dr D.A. Jenkins.
One of the principal objectives is to characterise both the physical and chemical traces of different activities in food processing areas, ritual areas, stables and middens, for example, by integrating data from organic (elemental, i.e. C, H, N, and molecular measurements), inorganic (phosphate, K, Ca, Fe, Mg etc.) and micromorphological (thin section and SEM with EDXRA) analyses conducted by Dr R.P. Evershed, University of Bristol, Dr D.A. Jenkins, University of Wales, and Dr W. Matthews, University of Cambridge.
3. Samples were also collected for analysis of:
i) organic residues in fragments of pottery and clay balls in order to detect indicators of use and traces of food and cooking practices, by combined gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric analyses (Dr R.P. Evershed, University of Bristol; Last this report)
ii) use-wear on obsidian which may have been used for wood-working (Conolly this report )
The list of potential sample types and collection procedures drawn up in 1995 was circulated to all excavators.
We are very grateful to the Directorate-General of Monuments and Museums in Turkey for kindly permitting study and export of a range of these samples for scientific analysis.
Sampling methods and strategies
A range of strategies were employed in sampling floors and deposits during the 1995 and 1996 seasons in order both to evaluate practicalities during excavation, and to study the sensitivity of results from deposits which had been recorded and collected at different sampling intervals. Two practical issues arose. The first was how best to integrate the location of sections with the single context planning system. The second was the time required to collect, 3-D record and label samples. In practice, the locations of sections varied according to the nature of the context. The number of sections of building fill were fewer than those of floors and occupation deposits (Table 1). A rigid one metre grid system employed in excavation of floors of Phase 3 in Space 71, was discontinued in favour of a more flexible and strategic system for analysis of floors in Phases 1-2 whereby narrow baulks (20cm) in order to provide a N-S and E-W section through the centre of each room and were combined with more flexible baulks were left to provide sections at c. 1-1.5 metre intervals and half-sections through features.
The principal focus of the microstratigraphic, micromorphological, organic and inorganic sampling in 1996 was on studying spatial and temporal variation in occupation sequences and traces of activities in Building 1, N Area, which was excavated almost in its entirety (R.J. Matthews this report).
The microstratigraphic field sections were drawn at 1:5, photographed and recorded (e.g. Fig 1, Fig 2, Fig 3).
Micromorphological samples for analysis in resin impregnated thin sections, 13.5 x 6.5 cm, and slices for SEM/EDXRA were cut out as a combined block sample principally from microstratigraphic field sections, but also from small plinths of deposits left during excavation, to enable correlation with horizontal sampling for organic and inorganic analyses across floors.
Additional block samples were cut out for micrometric excavation and sub-sampling in the laboratory, adjacent to the micromorphological blocks, in order to analyse the organic and inorganic chemistry of complex microstratigraphic sequences on building floors and within middens, where depositional layers may be less than 0.2-1mm thick.
Loose samples of deposits for organic and inorganic analyses were collected from across floors at 1m intervals in Building 1, and from all features such as basins, hearths and ovens, in glass bottles (50g) and paper envelopes (250g). Samples of organic aggregate/coprolite fragments and well preserved siliceous plant remains were also collected from midden deposits in the Mellaart Area, in 50g bottles and small blocks for organic and inorganic analyses.
Archive samples of deposits were collected for future analyses, in brown paper envelopes (250-500g) and air dried in the shade on open shelves, from all excavation units sampled for flotation. These samples were collected from the centre of the deposit selected for combined wet-sieving and flotation. The 3-D co-ordinate of the archive sample served as the co-ordinate for the flotation sample, in order to reduce the extent of recording in the field.
The range and number of samples collected in 1996 are listed in Table 2. The number of samples, particularly for archive, will be confirmed once all of the data from 1996 season has been entered on to the database.
In an attempt to try and assess the practicability of collecting these samples, it may be useful to convert Table 2, into a table of the number of samples collected by different working groups, per day, estimating the minimum average size of the work group (Table 3).
There were perhaps up to 10 people working in each area on occasion, so that the number of samples a day may have been halved. The sampling horizons however, were not uniform. When floors were being excavated a greater number of samples would have been collected in any one day, conversely there were some days when fewer samples were collected. Block samples take the longest to collect (c. 30 minutes), and were always collected by the geoarchaeologists, except in very unusual circumstances.
In Building 1, spatial and temporal variation in the microstratigraphy of floors and occupation deposits was observable in the field (Table 4). This building was subject to three major phases of alterations during its lifetime, and witnessed a series of modifications to installations such as fire-installations and platforms, and floors within these phases. One of the most characteristic features of the microstratigraphy in this building is the extent to which floors were periodically dug out, truncated and patched in different areas. One of the most graphic indications of this practice is evident in the southern half of Space 71, where more than 48 floor plasters are visible in a sequence in the SE corner next to an emplacement for a ladder, but almost all floors have been truncated and removed from the centre of the room, in places down to the original foundation materials. This central area appears to have been deliberately demarcated and maintained as a low space/depression, by the use of steps and truncation. Similar central depressions are present in many of the buildings in the SW of the site excavated by Mellaart, suggesting consistency in socio-cultural practices and requirements. The precise number of plaster floors and lenses of occupation deposits observed in each area of the building requires confirmation from micromorphological analyses.
Some of the sequences of note in Table 4 include:
- a hitherto unique orange brown organic deposit with dense vegetal impressions in Space 70 Phase 1 (early), perhaps from food processing or storage
- thick packing in the north of Space 70, which may have provided an insect resistant foundation in a storage area, as observed at other sites (Matthews and Postgate 1994, 127)
- irregular unprepared floors and thick layers of ash in the S half of Space 70, during the latest phase of occupation, Phase 3, which contrast with the well-prepared floors and sparse thin lenses of charred remains of the earlier phases (1-2), and suggest the domestic habits of the latest occupant(s) were less fastidious, perhaps as the household unit was fragmenting.
- consistent applications of thick white plaster on top of the northern and eastern platforms in Space 71.
The microstratigraphic evidence corresponds with the microarchaeological evidence (this report) to suggest a division between: 1. southern and western parts of the building which have fewer white plaster floors and accumulations of organic rich deposits and burnt remains from hearths and ovens 2. the northern and eastern areas of the building which have multiple layers of thick white plaster, occasionally with red paint on top of the platforms, and few observable organic residues. Thin white fragments of desiccated/siliceous ?mat remains were observed in the centre of the eastern platform.
Micromorphological, organic and inorganic analyses should enable detection of specific physical and chemical traces of activities associated with these variations in the microstratigraphy, and help furnish information on the sequence of activities and spatial conventions within this building.
In the Mellaart area, a sequence of thin pale brown and white plaster floors were sampled in Space 108, from a narrow strip of unexcavated deposits left by Mellaart along the eastern wall of building 12. This sequence of floors was apparently identical to that in thin section from a similar strip of unexcavated floors in Space 107, along the northern wall of building 2, which was originally accessible through a wide doorway which had been subsequently blocked during a late phase of use. Splashes of red paint and red-ochre occurred along the step in the threshold. Micromorphological and chemical blocks were cut from the threshold in Space 108 for comparison to the sample in Space 107. When the southern section face was cleaned with a palette knife, a series of microstratigraphic fault lines were visible in the floors in Space 108, probably caused by subsidence of the wall between these two spaces, which was built on midden and leant heavily to the west, the downward slope of the mound. Examination of the juncture between the floor plasters and wall plasters in Space 108 suggested that the floor plasters had been truncated on at least three occasions. Junctures between floor and wall plasters are key areas for interpretation of relative chronological sequences, and analysis of the sequence of associated features such as ovens and burials, which are central to interpretation of the occupancy and history of buildings.
Midden deposits below building 12 in Space 108 were sampled from the same section face left by the 1960's excavations, for micromorphological and chemical analysis, prior to excavation during the course of the 1996 season. This sequence of midden deposits proved to be rich in organic aggregates/coprolites with hack berry (Celtis) pericarp, and digested bone. Similar aggregates had previously been detected in thin section samples (Matthews et al in press). Both these and earlier examples were sampled for gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric analysis of any traces of bile acids and coprostanols which, if present, would not only confirm that these aggregates are coprolites, but would enable identification of the animal they originate from. In thin section these aggregates most closely resemble omnivore aggregates, perhaps from pig, human or dog. It is possible, alternatively, that these organic aggregates might be food residues.
Integration of data from analyses of deposits and wet-sieving and flotation residues should provide specific information on the nature of refuse in middens, and on activities at the site which otherwise may be poorly represented on the well-maintained floors, or may have been conducted on rooftops, for example.
Organic and inorganic analyses
Results from inorganic analyses on samples collected in 1995 exhibit considerable contextual variation and are discussed by Dr D.A. Jenkins, University of Wales (this report). The organic analyses are currently being conducted by Dr R.P. Evershed, University of Bristol, and results are pending. If organic residues are present in the pottery they will be the oldest yet detected.
Micromorphological analyses
The nature of micromorphological evidence for spatial and temporal variation in occupation sequences and use of space at Çatalhöyük, is discussed in Matthews et al in press, and forthcoming. Results from analysis of samples collected from the uppermost floors in Spaces 70 and 71, Building 1, in 1995 will be discussed in full in 1997, when they will be integrated with the results from the samples collected this year. A brief summary of some of the observations from analysis of samples from 1995 is listed below.
1. The last plaster floor laid in Space 70 Phase 2, includes aggregates of multiple layers of white plaster, from re-use and re-working of earlier structural materials.
2. The thin layer of occupation deposits on the last floor of Phase 2 adjacent to FI 11 includes a layer of retted grass and 'reed' and a charred tapered 'stick' of Celtis/Ulmus. Overlying burnt building aggregates and debris include charred ?lichen.
3. The residual fuel in the oven in Space 70, Phase 3, included 2% siliceous monocotyledons, 10% charred monocotyledons, and 20% charred dicotyledonous wood, some of which was oak. 3. Thin lenses of organic rich deposits accumulated on a series of floors in Space 70, further suggesting this area was used as a food preparation and cooking area. It is hoped that chemical analysis may help in identifying some of the more amorphous organic remains in thin-section. Many of these remains are still highly fluorescent, suggesting phosphorus and organic residues may be present. The highest phosphate reading from samples collected from building 1 in 1995, occurred in Space 70, in front of the oven (Jenkins, this report). Gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric analyses may be more specific in identifying traces of foodstuffs.
4. Salt and root action has disturbed some of the deposits in Spaces 70 and 71, particularly along the top of more indurate floor and oven plaster surfaces.
Samples from Mellaart's area in 1995, are contributing to distinctions between redeposited room fill, and accumulating midden deposits, and informing on the range of activities represented in discrete single depositional episodes within midden deposits.
1. Redeposited material in Space 106 includes a wide range of heterogeneous aggregates including water laid deposits, midden deposits, trampled occupation deposits, white plaster fragments, a range of mudbrick and plaster fabrics, burnt oven plaster and organic aggregates/omnivore coprolites, imported from a variety of sources for massive infill of a building.
2. Accumulating midden deposits in the east of Space 106 include: i) floor sweepings with subrounded particles of white soft lime floor plaster and fuel rake-out which includes charred and siliceous dung fragments and melted silica. ii) highly organic ?food cooking and fuel deposits with large fragments of charred oak and hack berry/elm wood, charred tuber and a convolute fluorescent organic aggregate iii) an upside down fragment of floor plaster with an layer of organic occupation deposits 0.6mm thick still adhering to the surface. This layer includes fragments of bone, charred plant remains, yellowish-orange organic aggregates, and small ovoid/triangular particles of as yet unknown organic origin.
Matthews, W. and Postgate, J.N. with Payne, S., Charles, M.P. and Dobney, K. 1994. The imprint of living in a Mesopotamian city: questions and answers. In Luff, R. and Rowley Conwy, P. (eds.). Whither environmental archaeology? Oxford, Oxbow Books.
Matthews, W., French, C.A.I., Lawrence, T. and Cutler, D.F. In press. Multiple surfaces: the micromorphology. In I. Hodder (ed.) On the surface: Çatalhöyük 1993-95, 299-340. Cambridge, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research and British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara.
Table 1. Location of microstratigraphic sections studied in 1996
Table 2. List of samples collected in 1996
Table 3. Estimate of the number of samples collected by different working groups per day.
Table 4. Preliminary list of contextual variation in characteristics of microstratigraphic sequences Building 1, N Area.