Table 4. Preliminary list of contextual variation in characteristics of microstratigraphic sequences Building 1, N Area.
Space Phase Location Adjacent installation Floors Occupation deposits Thickness mm Interpretation
70 1.1 S centre greyish brown and pale brown plaster orange brown organic deposits with vegetal impressions, <10 mm thick 20 residues from food storage/processing
70 1.2 S half FI 33 orange brown and pale brown , with thin lenses of white plaster thin lenses of charred remains, <5 mm thick 20 rake-out from small circular hearth
70 2 S half FI 11 greyish brown and pale brown plaster grey 20 rake-out from oven
70 2 N half wooden storage bin thick layer of mottled orange brown packing charred lentils, etc. 125 remnants of stored legumes, on top of a thick ?insect resistant packing
70 3 S half FI 11 no prepared floors on top of burnt and unburnt debris irregular sloping layers of grey ash 260 almost 'squatter' type food cooking
70 3 N half thick layer of packing, partially truncated charred lentils, etc. c. 70-100 remnants of stored legumes, on top of a thick ?insect resistant packing
71 1-2 S half FI in southern wall and in S. centre pale brown, grey and orange brown with sparse lenses of white plaster thin lenses of charred remains, < 5mm thick 25-70 rake-out from oven and small circular hearth
71 1-2 centre c. 2-5 grey and orange plasters, with sparse lenses of white plaster, heavily truncated none 15-35 central area, which was kept lower than other areas of the room by a series of steps + truncations
71 1-2 SE corner, recess >48 layers of orange brown, grey and pale brown plasters with periodic thin lenses of white plaster none visible in field 220 recess in back of access area
71 1-2 SE corner ladder impression on wall reworked unoriented thick layers of reworked floor plaster and occupation deposits, and puddled mud 70 trampled and moist deposits at the base of and under the ladder and ?smoke access from central and southern hearth and oven
71 1-3 N and E platforms platforms thick white plasters, with preparatory layers of pale brown and greyish brown plaster sparse ?matting impressions and traces 150 and 235 sitting/sleeping platforms
71 3 NW FI 14 grey and pale brown plasters thin lenses of charred remains 15 rake-out from oven and small circular hearth
111 1-3 entire room interbedded layers of orange, grey + yellow plasters none visible in the field 140 ?small sterile storage area
E, outside the buildinge non structural debris +charred remains c. 500 ?periodic refuse

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